Hi, I'm Niels.

I create videogames. Usually in Unity.

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Here you can find a few of my note-worthy projects

About me

That's me, in that picture, floating around Copenhagen.

As the site's title says, my name is Niels Meijer. I'm 28 years old, unless the script that's supposed to keep it updated doesn't feel like doing it's thing anymore.

I was active on YouTube for a long time. There I made all kinds of gaming related videos and even some game making tutorials, like this one.

Before making videogames I made a bunch of websites. This was a while ago, so those sites aren't online anymore. But, for reference, I made this website myself with the help of the great Bulma CSS framework.

I've been playing videogames ever since I was 4 years old. And, for as long as I can remember, I've wanted to make them myself. So, I went ahead and starting developing videogames. Almost as cool as Superman's origin story, right?